Lorraine Rahmani
Fantastic tutors, I learned so many new ways to approach songwriting.
I enjoyed every minute, writing my own songs, collaborating with others and learning so many new ways to write a song.
Tom Cooper
A life-changing week: challenging and empowering in equal measure. The timetable of tasks was demanding, but there was also flexibility in response to our needs. The course has had an immediate effect on how I write and the way I think about writing, and also introduced and welcomed me into a new, diverse community of inspiration and connection with other songwriters.
Corrina Hewat
This course is for those of you who really want to get as much as you can from your own writing. Take the chance, invest in yourself, make the difference! Boo and Findlay will support you expertly.
I loved every minute of it, as it took me out of my comfort zone but in a safe space, giving me room to grow and knowledge to learn and allowing me to spread my wings, so by Friday I was flying!

Bird on a Wire
I enjoyed the indepth chats and the speed of creating. I wasn't sure it was possible but Boo and Findlay both ran the workshops extremely well, to time, well though out plans for each day, no time wasted.
Bird on as Wire
I enjoyed that all of the workshop elements pushed me out with my usual songwriting habits. They were presented in a way that didn’t make me panic if I was struggling for ideas - quite the opposite as we were encouraged to ask for assistance if needed.
Bird on a Wire
I thought the whole thing was really well organised - no mean feat. It was well paced and the tasks were properly thought out and explained. Personally I was there to push myself to do the things that terrify me most; writing songs quickly, performing them there and then (what, no overthinking?) and cowriting from a blank page in real time. I was really nervous on the first day and could have easily let my insecurities take over BUT Fin and Boo created such a safe, inclusive and relaxed environment from the off that I felt completely able to let my barriers down. Then sense of community we all had with each other by the end was really special. I genuinely loved every minute of the week.

Bird on a Wire
I'll use the activities we did for my own songwriting practice and with the songwriting group that I facilitated and any future song writing projects that I run.
Bird on as Wire
Connecting with other songwriters who I didn't know, being set tasks that were challenging but manageable, listening to the work of others and discussions on how little adjustments and thought on structure could improve the work being done. Was very inspired by the range of styles and talent on show.
The fact that I was able to do the tasks gave me a lot of confidence, I also, for the first time, was really 'thinking' about how and what I was writing as opposed to just letting it happen. The structures of tasks have given me new ways of getting into writing and that discipline of clearing my week and focusing on songwriting every day gave me insight into the fact that I don't have to be 'in the mood' in order to write